Full Stack Development 👩🏻‍💻

Include frontend and backend

Introduction to full stack development

Full stack development is the process of designing, building, testing, and deploying a web application from start to finish, including both the front end and back end. The front end is the user-facing part of the application, which includes the user interface and code for user interactions. The back end includes the database, server, and other software, and is responsible for organizing the system's logic so that the application can run properly. Full stack developers need to have a variety of skills, including: Front-end languages and frameworks: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Back-end technologies and frameworks: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Django, Flask, and C++ Database management systems: MySQL, SQL SERVER, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle Database Other skills: Version control, web hosting platforms, and foundational skills like Java, object-oriented programming, and Python

Road map for Full-stack:

Table for full-stack:

Front-end back-end Database
Html Python Mysql
css Django data

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